The Auto Logic 200 Medical Mattress for home use is designed for round the clock prevention and management Pressure Injury. Contact us for more information.

Auto Logic 200 Medical Mattress for Home Use

The Auto Logic 200 is designed for round the clock prevention and management of all categories1 of Pressure Injury with frequent monitoring, nursing intervention and repositioning.

For pressure area management of very high risk patients, the Auto Logic pump uses Self Set Technology to control the mattress pressure in both active alternating and reactive constant low pressure therapy modes, an advanced microprocessor system regularly assess the body mass distribution of patients and readjusts cell pressures to suit their individual needs.

The complete Auto Logic range is recommended for round-the-clock prevention and management of up to stage IV pressure ulcers. An optional battery is available that offers up to 6 hours of non-AC usage for transport with the Aura Logic.

Medical Mattress for home